Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions
In order that -good customer relationships can be maintained and to ensure that misunderstandings are kept to a minimum we would like you to be aware of our normal terms and conditions of business, which will apply unless there is a specific agreement to the contrary.
Debra Stevens Training and coaching Ltd (DSTC Ltd) will confirm all bookings to the client for training events and programmes including the agreed price by email.
Bookings cancelled or postponed more than 60 days before the event do not incur specific liability. Cancellations or postponements between 30 days and 60 days incur a 50% charge and within 30 days, 100%.
The client will be liable to reimburse DSTC LTD where DSTC Ltd have incurred expenses on behalf of the client, i.e. venue, travel, accommodation; professional services; Online and offline resources, printing etc.
The price of each training course/workshop/programme will vary according to the nature and length of each event and will normally be charged as two separate elements – development work and course contact time.
There will normally be one initial meeting and this will be free of all charges. Unless stated otherwise, Further meetings will be chargeable to the client, either as part of the price quotation or, if the work does not go ahead as a separate charge.
Trainers or facilitators daily fee is charged for time spent actually delivering training and excludes any other administrative services including; Course development, meetings and work carried out on behalf of the client which will contained in a proposal and chargeable and invoiced separately
Special needs
The special circumstances (if any) in relation to each training event or programme will normally be contained in a proposal produced for each client before the contract is agreed. These terms of business should be regarded as part of any such proposal unless otherwise stated or overridden by specific reference.
Training Pilots
Once the outline of a training course/workshop or programme is finalised, the client may request to pilot the course/workshop. Pilots are an effective tool and are only delivered on the basis that it gives both DTS and the client an opportunity to make improvements and changes to allow for final role out. The client will accept that this is an investment risk for which they shall be deemed liable for all fees and incurred expenses
1. UK out of pocket expenses :
The daily training rate charged will exclude travel, accommodation and subsistence which will vary according to location within the UK. All travel, accommodation and subsistence within the UK will be detailed and shown separately and will be subject to a £5.00 admin fee per item
2. International out of pocket expenses :
All travel, accommodation and subsistence outside of the UK will be detailed and shown separately For all international travel of 4.5 hours or more the equivalent to a half day’s fee will be charged each way for each person. Unless otherwise agreed all travel, accommodation and subsistence (other than airfares) will be detailed separately and will be subject to a £5.00 admin fee per item.
3. Airfares:
Airfares are only booked at the explicit request of the client and supported by an order number/booking reference. DTS will immediately issue an invoice which will include an admin fee charge of £50 for the first airfare and £15 each for all subsequent airfares.
In the event of late payment DTS reserve the right to charge interest @ 2.5 % pcm on all expense invoices still outstanding after 30 days.
Specific needs
The special circumstances (if any) in relation to each training event or programme will normally be contained in a proposal produced for each client before the contract is agreed. These terms of business should be regarded as part of any such proposal unless otherwise stated or overridden by specific reference.
The invoice will be submitted at the time of the training event takes place and payment should be made within 14 days, unless an agreement with client exists to alter payment times
DSTC Ltd is committed to providing extremely high-quality training from its team. A longer advance booking period and special terms for price and cancellation may apply if the services of a particular trainer are required. This requirement should be stated clearly at the time of booking.
Employment policy:
It is our policy not to offer employment to personnel of client companies while we are providing services for them or for twelve months after business has ceased. In return our clients will not offer employment to DSTC Ltd staff or will not offer them training or consultancy assignments within twelve months of them leaving DSTC Ltd.
Copyright /intellectual property:
The copyright, intellectual property and design rights in any materials produced in the performance of this Agreement shall remain vested with DTS. Such materials shall not be copied or reproduced without prior written consent of DTS Clients will not use DTS Ltd material for any purpose other than DTS Ltd courses, unless agreed in writing, when a specific charge will be agreed.
I. Except for the express limited warranties set out in Clause I. above, DTS LTD makes no warranty of any kind with respect to the courses/workshops/programmes and hereby
Warranties and Liabilities:
DTS LTD warrants that the courses will be provided using reasonable care and skill and, as far as reasonably possible, in accordance with generally accepted industry standards and within the times referred to in the registration form.
expressly excludes all other warranties, conditions, all other terms or guarantees, written or oral, express or implied, statutory or otherwise including without limitation, any implied warranties, conditions, all other terms or warranty of merchantability, satisfactory quality or fitness for a particular purpose of the course or course material.
DSTC LTD shall have no liability to the Client for any loss, damage, costs, expenses or other claims for compensation arising from any course material or instructions supplied by the client which are incomplete, incorrect, inaccurate, illegible, out of sequence or in the wrong form, or arising from their late arrival or non-arrival, or any other fault of the client .
Except in respect of death or personal injury caused by DSTC LTD negligence, or as expressly provided in these Conditions, DSTC LTD shall not be liable to the Client or the delegate by reason of any representation (unless fraudulent), or any implied warranty, condition or other term, or any duty at common law, or under the express terms of the Contract, for any loss of profit or any indirect, special or consequential loss, damage, costs, expenses or other claims (whether caused by the negligence of DSTC LTD, its servants or agents or otherwise) which arise out of or in connection with the provision of the course (including any delay in providing or failure to provide the course or their use by the client and the entire liability of DSTC LTD under or in connection with the Contract shall not exceed the amount of the charges for the provision of the course, except as expressly provided in clause 3.
DSTC LTD shall not be liable to the client or be deemed to be in breach of the Contract by reason of any delay in performing or any failure to perform, any DSTCLTD obligations in relation to the course, if the delay or failure was due to any cause beyond DSTC LTD reasonable control.
These terms and conditions of business override all previous terms of business agreed between DSTC Ltd and its clients.
Acceptance of terms and conditions
No variation can be made to these terms without written consent of an officer of DSTC LTD
These terms of business are deemed to be accepted by the client by virtue of one or more of the following booking methods: verbal/written or email confirmation
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