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Areas we cover

debra stevens training and coaching

Live Virtual Training 

debra stevens training and coaching

Management & 


debra stevens training and coaching



debra stevens training and coaching

Communication &   self awareness 

debra stevens training and coaching

Customer service


debra stevens training and coaching

Presentation Skills


debra stevens training and coaching
debra stevens training and coaching

Personal Development

Diversity &


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Schedule your FREE no-obligation consultation with one of our trained experts

Call us on 0345 257 1966 or fill in our short contact form 

live on line learning

Our new normal – Live Learning online! 

We are living in extraordinary times and the world of learning and development as we knew it has changed.

Alongside face to face workshops and e-learning products, Virtual Training Sessions have become the new normal and they are here to stay! remember? During Covid  we found a way to stay true to the values of experiential training, using actors and drama to immerse learners in powerful training sessions on sales, negotiation, leadership, communication, personal impact and diversity and inclusion. In some ways the use of actors in training lends itself to the small screen and forum theatre, talking head storytelling and real play are all the more intimate on a video conferencing platform

live o line learning for sales training, leadeship training, presentation skills training , coaching, negotiation skills training , management training , mbti training

Outstanding facilitators 

Our performance facilitators, whilst first and foremost being exceptional behavioural and executive coaches, all have a background in acting are trained to keep audiences engaged. They’ll ensure consistent two-way traffic between themselves and participants and promise to foster meaningful active interaction from participants at least every 6 minutes to keep learning going. 

Impactful content 

Our content isn’t merely a translation of face to face content but instead carefully crafted sessions that are tailored for a virtual environment. We fuse the latest learning methodologies with thought provoking and innovative learning content and techniques. We want learning to really stick. 

debra stevens training and coaching

Innovative and engaging methodology 

We fuse thought provoking learning content with a combination of breakout rooms, video content, plenary discussion, chat function, polls, Q&A’s, screen sharing and whiteboard. Alongside this are forum theatre scenarios, demos of good and bad practice, storytelling and simulations and real play opportunities with our talented team of business actors. 

Whilst like everyone else we are looking forward to meeting learners face to face again, we are on a mission to blend virtual training and face to face workshops as the new normal, not as a compromise but as a way of delivering programmes that will have a real chance of changing behaviour. 

What the learners say 

On Zoom I thought worked really well, you really made us all so comfortable with each other and it didn't feel remote. It’s funny because it’s all I know but I couldn't imagine doing this in a face to face environment it was that good!  

Geri, UK 

"Definitely among the best virtual meetings I’ve been on this year, all the more so because the energy didn’t flag across 12 hours of sessions!” 

Rob, UK 

The value of the actors was great in this session - helping us to reflect on presence, positioning, tone, speed, engagement etc. This was good stuff and I got some really helpful takeaways from that.

Rob, UK 

All of our training courses can be delivered in bite sized 2-3 hour sessions for any number of participants over any given time frame and we can work to your budget, don’t hesitate to get in touch to find out more 

sales training

Sales Training workshops 

Click on button below​ to see workshop Outlin

We will work closely with you to understand the needs of your sales team so the workshops are customised and relevant to your industry. Courses can be 2 days 1 day or short sharp sessions what ever works best for your business. If you want a more module approach we can create a total sales program. If you are holding a sales conference why not add an element of experiential learning it with an actors simulation which challenges your sales peoples thinking. Managers are a key element to embedding successful sales training and we can also offer a sales coaching program to ensure you get maximum return on investment 

At DTS, we believe that the goal in sales is to go beyond transactional selling to reach for an equal partnership. To courageously let go of our own agenda and to focus on a real understanding of our customers’ goals and critical success factors. Equal partners inspire and challenge in equal measures!

Customer Service Training

customer service workshops

Click on the buttons below
for workshop outline 

Presentation Skills

presentation skills training
Click on button below
to see workhop Outline 

Customer Service Training

Customer service training

Click on the buttons below
for workshop outline 

leadership and mangement workshops

Leadership and
management Workshops 

Personality type workshop

Personality Types workshops  

All participants’ will take an online personality styles test and receive a personalised report that they use on the workshop. We will take them through the process of self-evaluation, looking at their reported type and working towards a best fit. In the workshop participants will identify their unique gifts enhancing their understanding of self, motivations, natural strengths and potential areas for growth, it will also help them to appreciate people who are different. The courses are highly practical and interactive that will not only help with the participants work but could also be life changing and enlightening. 

Click on button below​ to
see workshop Outline 

communication and self awareness

Personal Development Workshops 

Click on button below​ to
see workshop Outline 

Crucial skills coverage includes: 

  • Assertive communication 

  • Questioning and listening skills 

  • Personal impact and body language 

  • Understanding personality types and team dynamics 

  • Story telling and presenting a vision 

  • Emotional intelligence

Whether you want the essentials, a master class or one to one coaching for an individual we can work closely with you to understand your needs so the workshops are customised and focused. Courses can be 2 days, 1 day, short sharp sessions or one to one coaching, what ever works best for you and your business. 

Diversity and inclusion training

Diversity & Inclusion Training 

​Everyone has biases because it is almost human nature and part of our survival mechanism is to put people into categories and make shortcuts based on our experience, its build into our brains. For most people this is happening at a subconscious level and immediate decisions are made without any awareness and they would be shocked to think they are making decisions about people based on stereotypes. We all like to think we are being more rational and open, living in a world where we are focused on diversity and equality. 

It can be hard to put a spotlight on these biases in the work place and most training on the subject is more about information and the rules and what you really need is light bulb moments and self-awareness. Our unconscious bias training programmes explore these issues in a safe environment. Using drama based training performances by professional actors based on situations your staff may find themselves in; we can hold a mirror up to biases. Our facilitators explore how your staff can make the small changes that will make a big difference.

Every program is customised to your exact needs and challenges and the scenarios will be written carefully for 

debra stevens training and coaching
divercity and inclusion

Crucial coverage includes: 

  • awareness of bias on key business issues such as recruitment 

  • performance management and customer service 

  • understanding the impact of unconscious bias on relationships team spirit and motivation 

  • having the confidence to call bias and give feedback 

Whether you want workshops, larger events or one to one coaching for an individual we can work closely with you to understand your needs so the training is customised and focused. Courses can be 2 days, 1 day, short sharp sessions or one to one coaching, what ever works best for you and your business. 

Experiential training for , management training, leadership training, sales training , negotiation skills training , diversity and inclusion training , negotiation skills training workshops

Schedule your FREE no-obligation consultation with one of our trained experts

Call us on 0345 257 1966 or fill in our short contact form 

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